Gilding Lilies Greeting Cards

Monday, January 3, 2011

Meatless Monday - Flirting

It's the beginning of a new year, and a new decade, and I want to gently make some changes. As I mentioned before, I'm not especially good with resolutions, but being inspired by a fresh start, that sounds good to me. So here is one of the things that I'm going to be working on. I want to get back to the basics, more often, with regard to eating. I want to treat myself to simple, delicious, nutritious, unfussy foods. I'm talkin' radical, sexy, food like grains, beans, veggies, and fruit. I want to dust off the pressure cooker and cook big pots of beans and grains, and pre-chop vegetables so that this good food becomes the convenience food. I can do this, not at the last minute when I'm hungry, but with some planning, I can do this.
I've been reading The Kind Diet, and I must say, I am inspired to eat more like a Superhero. I like the way the book takes you wherever you are at, and encourages you to just gradually do a little better. She calls it flirting, which makes it sound like fun. So I'm going to flirt with being more prepared with the foods I want to enjoy more often. How about you, would you like to flirt with any changes in your food choices?


Jamie said...

I've heard good things about the Kind Diet - I need to track down a copy.

Gorgeous photo

Rose said...

Lovely photo Jennifer.

Your flirting choices sound spot on. I'm going to be trying to cook more of my own beans and sprout more too! Here's to a healthy New Year!

Unknown said...

I also have heard good things. I have not read it yet, but I have decided to not eat anything with a mother two times a week.

Kathleen xx

GiGi said...

Yes am making some changes too. In the last two days I ate less of the profits (i.e frosting)
I like the Kind diet.
i misread Kathleen's comment and thought she said, "I've decided not to eat with my mother two times a week." You are a superhero!

Unknown said...

Please let us all know what you will be pressure cooking, too!


hip pressure cooking
making pressure cookers hip again, one recipe at a time!

Gilding Lilies said...

Eating the profits would be a very big temptation! Good for you.
Good for you too Kathleen! I think that is great news.

Gilding Lilies said...

Elle Pee, you have some wonderful things on your blog! I will let you know what I do with the ole pressure cooker.